That's Not Very Nice!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Hey guys!

Well this post is for all that shall wander past here duribg the blogcrawl.

Last night I managed to get 6 stitches in my lrft hand, and this whole mess has left me one handed, and I am not too happy about it. Well, i have the otherhand still, but moving it in any way is extremely painful. I have pictures to share with you all, of my misfortune. Im not even going to tell you how I managed to do this to myself, I am feeling the stupidity plenty enough, and it was bad enough having to tell the Dr. and 2 nurses at the er how I managed to slash my own finger open like that.

picture is supposed to be here, come back tomorrow, or monday to see

I wanted to participate in this fine event, but as I need two hands to crawl, and would prefer two hands to type my comments all over the place, Iwill have to wish you all a great evening of shenanigans!

you have no idea how long it just took me to peck out this crappy post.....ugh.

have a fun night! Happy birthday Contagion!