Crummy Deal
Today is dedicated to dishes and laundry. Housework sucks. Somebody has to do it though.....
(WARNING: bad poetry below)
Curse the dirty dish. Curse the dirty underpants.
You sneak out of the cupboards and drawers. I find you crumpled on the floor or crusty on the table.
The minutes you steal from me can not be replaced.
I will deal with you swiftly, and with skill, for we have done this dance a hundred times before.
Some of you will go into the washing machine with a bit of bleach, and some of you will go into the sink with a bit of dawn.
I will scrub with all the fury of an angry housewife.
Come dark, no one will ever know you were here.
Curse you dirty dishes!
Curse you dirty underpants!
(WARNING: bad poetry below)
Curse the dirty dish. Curse the dirty underpants.
You sneak out of the cupboards and drawers. I find you crumpled on the floor or crusty on the table.
The minutes you steal from me can not be replaced.
I will deal with you swiftly, and with skill, for we have done this dance a hundred times before.
Some of you will go into the washing machine with a bit of bleach, and some of you will go into the sink with a bit of dawn.
I will scrub with all the fury of an angry housewife.
Come dark, no one will ever know you were here.
Curse you dirty dishes!
Curse you dirty underpants!