Christmas Shopping
Oh hell yeah!! I just went down to the local thrift store while Shorty was at school, found 5 Christmas presents! A whole sack of deer leather tanned in various shades of brown, a 1938 stamp album ($1.00) for Step-Father-in law, stuffed animals for Mother-in-laws dog (25 cents ea.), because the dog just chews the eyes and stuffing out of 'em, I'll never buy her new ones. A brand new little kids brush and comb set for Shorty (50 cents), a brand new Bass Co. shirt for Step-Father-in-law ($1.00). Also some goodies for me, just because. I LOVE A GOOD DEAL! I normally HATE Christmas shopping, but this is just too great! All that deer leather will be for my dad, who will make cool goodies out of it, and the whole sack was FREE!! Not because there is anything wrong with it, but because thrift store ladies think stuff like that is gross. It's not gross, it's a goldmine!!
I am happy, can't you tell....